Two women came to the door this afternoon and asked “are you concerned about the future?”
The question startled me. A whole array of thoughts jetted through my mind: should I worry about the stock market? Should I worry about getting older? What about health and well-being? Regaining my composure I answered in my usual equivocal way. To that they handed me a pamphlet and said “change is coming” so saith the Lord: “God … will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will morning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” — Revelations 21:3, 4, New World Translation.
To that I said, “Yes October 19th.”
There was a look of surprise and puzzlement. I let them ponder for a moment as I could see they wondered about the precision of the date I proposed. Then I said the “election.” They smiled and left (in peace I think).
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