

John Cleese talks for 36 minutes on creativity, and how to be creative.

My notes:

  • You can’t explain creativity
  • What creativity isn’t
    • It’ not a talent; it is a way of operating
    • It’s not an ability you have or don’t have; not related to IQ
  • Need to get into a creative mood … play; be child-like
  • Creativity is not possible in a “closed” mode
    • in a work environment one is consumed by everyday activity; focused
  • Open mode: relaxed, expansive, more playful, enables curiosity, not under pressure to get something done quickly. In an open mode one is more curious; in closed mode one lacks curiosity and does not explore.
  • We need to be in an open mode to come up with a solution; but we need to be in the closed mode when we start execution
  • To be most efficient we need to be able to switch back and forth; risk is to get stuck in the closed mode.
  • conditions to get into the open mode.
    • space: [1] can’t be under pressure [2] seal yourself off, undisturbed 
      time: you need enough time; a block of time dedicated to this effort; secluded; duration…play; create an oasis of quiet (quiet the mind).   it takes time to quiet the mind, about 90 minutes; it takes 30 minutes to quiet.  Best not to go much longer , better to split into 2 parts
    • time: play with a problem longer to fully explore; don’t take the first easy solution; internal feelings can guide to whether you’re there or not; time to come up with something original
    • confidence: fear of making a mistake will close down creativity; openness will allow different scenarios to be explored .. even the wrong ones … while being creative it is ok to look at the wrong solutions, until one is found, then the decision is made…
    • humour: helps us get to the open mode from the closed mode as quickly as possible
  • If you put n the pondering time first the answer will pop up
  • Working with a group is helpful as long as everyone is open.  
  • Creativity is about connecting two existing ideas in a new way for new meaning
    • explore different, even absurd connections.
    • what are all the pieces that exist and how / could they connect
    • start by generating random connections
  • how to stamp it out:
    • prevent humour
    • undermine employee confidence; find all the things that are wrong in their work; avoid praise
    • make sure people are always busy; prevent thinking time. create a crisis mode to keep people focused on detailed activities


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