LR 6: First Impressions


Today I’ve been trying out the new face recognition capabilities in Lightroom 6. 

As you can see from the above example, there can be a lot of faces to plough through. I’ve been running through the library for about 24 hours and it looks like it’s about half-way through.  In terms of numbers, 1,919 faces have been recognised and linked to a name; 6,682 faces have been recognised but remain to be linked to a name.  The ability to recognise that a component of a photograph is a face is automated; linking the recognised face to a name is done by me.  Some initial observations:

  • Its ability to recognise a face is quite good.  There are few false positives, meaning things it identifies as a face but are not (e.g., a lump of coal)
  • It learns fairly quickly.  Within about three or four different photos of a person it seems to be able to pick out images quick regularly. It does not automatically assigned names, rather it prompts to confirm this is Edgar Hertha.  
  • Prior to getting to that point it seems to be quite “eager” to confirm a new-found face and it applies it to every unknown face. For example, in the above shot you will see it is asking whether three different people are Edgar Hertha.   
  • Face recognition seems to be quite an intensive process. It really slows down my machine.  I hear the fan come on quite regularly.
Screen Shot 2015-04-22 at 10.11.47 PM.jpg

I am quite excited about face recognition as people are one of the most frequently included subject.  Automating this step will facilitate better keywording.   


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