Exercise and the 100 Prints Project


As per my earlier posting, I’ve started printing.  That’s the good news.  Getting to this point however has been a little more effort than anticipated.  As I haven’t used my printer for a little while, it needed to be cleaned.  Then, since last using it I’ve upgraded my home network, I had to re-establish the [wireless] network connection to the printer.  This turned out to be more of a challenge than expected as the printer’s firmware does not support the most current security protocols.  

Meanwhile, getting back on track, I had to identify which photographs to print. In other words, of the 118,000 photos I have in my library which 100 should I print?  This lead me down a path of trying to establish a ranking system.  Quickly recognising a rat’s nest, I stopped pursuing that distraction.  I’ve decided to select just those that feel right.  This is not a science project so an empirical approach is more fitting.  Now I am left with 671 pictures. Not 100, but close enough.

Within these candidates there are some obvious groupings that I can focus on.  The first set I’ve selected is made up of 9 shots of garden flowers.  I’ll print these off, exploring different papers and sizes. While I can get a reasonably similar representation on paper as on the screen, there is a difference due largely to the different gamut of the papers, so I need to get a better understanding of that.  As well, I expect this first step to start me down the path of defining my process and identify other things that need to be addressed (such as the ranking question).  

One final note. I’ve move the printer from my office into the Darkroom in the basement.  While this reduces demand on valuable counter space in my office, it does imply frequent trips into the basement.  This of course now becomes an important component of my exercise program.   


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