I’m not a birder, but I do like photographing birds. While this may be the first steps along a path, a few more remain, including: I can’t rhyme off bird facts; I know only a few by name; I don’t (officially) collect sightings. Although having seen a couple of Mississippi Sandhill Cranes may change that.
Notwithstanding the above, my best birding experience was a visit to the Anhinga Trail in the Florida Everglades several years ago. This year’s trip by comparison offered much less variety and volume. A bit of a disappointment in some respects, but not completely devoid of results.
The first in my series on wildlife is the Willet, which my bird book calls a large sandpiper. The shots I have are of non-breeding adults. These were taken at Naval Live Oaks Nature Preserve near Pensacola Beach, Florida. They were taken wide open, at f/4.5, with my 400mm Canon FD Prime. I tried to get as close to [the bird’s] eye-level as possible. As they stand just 22 – 40 cm tall this can be a bit of a challenge.
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