Year 5


July will mark the beginning of my fifth year playing golf. June 8th will be my first lesson of the year, returning for the third year to the tutelage of Bruce McCarrol.

Bruce has set up a new program this year, moving beyond the basic instruction format to incorporate many new technologies and tools, and among them is The Motion Reality Golf System:

During a Motion Reality Golf System lesson the student will enter the lab and experience the absolute latest in teaching technology. The Motion Reality Golf System uses six high speed video cameras to track the positions of multiple reflective markers that are attached to the golf club and the golfer. The position of these reflective markers create a detailed 3D computer animation of the movements of the player and the golf club that can be reviewed from virtually any conceivable reference point or angle. In addition to visual examination of a players swing, numerous tools are used to automatically extract and present many precise measurements of the golf swing including club impact data, swing planes, body and posture angles, center of gravity and dynamic balance. It is also possible to overlay one 3D image on top of another for comparison or for the player to “step into” the swing of a tour player to “feel” exactly where the body and club are at every point in the swing. The system also includes a launch monitor which measures ball speed, launch angle and spin [1].

As I’ve noted previously [23], there are technical golfers and feel golfers, with me falling more towards the technical-end of the spectrum. I look forward to the new program with great enthusiasm and high expectations.


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