1-724872342, @VAu 1-092-543 (2012 Jan-Feb Unpub), Bakery Product, Content, Cookie, Food, Image type, Rice, Thing, VAU001092543

Chinese Sticky Rice Dessert Dumplings

  • Red Bean Paste
  • 250 ml (1 Cup) Sticky Rice Powder
  • 80 ml (1/3 cup) sugar dissolved in 250 ml (1 cup) of hot water
  1. Mix ingredients and pour into micro-waveable square pan; flatten to about 1/2 inch
  2. Wrap with micro-waveable wrap
  3. Cook in microwave for 4 minutes
  4. Cut into 16 sections
  5. Sprinkle with corn starch to make doe non-sticky
  6. Fill with Red Bean Paste; wrap each section into round cookie shape enclosing the paste
  7. Eat