Most conspiracy theories involve some elite group hiding information from the rest of us. “They don’t want you to know” is a well-used phrase.
I recently received this in the mail:
A new breakthrough discovery revealed how government officials and army generals use a 5-second ‘Mute Button Method’ to eliminate annoying ringing, whooshing, or hissing sounds in the ears.
This simple and natural method has been hidden for decades but thanks to a brave whistleblowing army neurosurgeon, it’s now available to the public.
He’s showing how anyone can use this secret to silence even the most debilitating ear ringing in just a matter of days.
Scientists at Harvard and the American Tinnitus Association confirmed this simple ‘mute button method’ tackles the real root cause of tinnitus and restores perfect hearing in a flash.
But hurry up! The hearing loss industry is fighting hard to BAN this method because it threatens their expensive aids and useless medications, leaving millions frustrated.
Silence ear ringing with this simple 5-second ‘Mute Button Method’ now
OK, so let us first ignore the contradictions in the message (i.e., the information is already in the public domain so why do I need to deal with these guys as a middleman). Trump’s recent executive order releasing all the information known about the assassinations of JFK, RFK and Martin Luther King, means there is no information being hidden on these subjects. That should put to rest a whole ranges of theories. This sets the direction for all government information to be released and when this happens all government-related conspiracies will end. Trump will do it!
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