Christmas Roundup

A pleasant Christmas: my parents from Calgary joined us as did my niece from Florida and friends from Waterloo. This with was first Christmas with girl and boy friends joining us.
There were the gifts, like the tabs to label wires (which satisfies my hereditary need for order and structure).
Replacing a light bulb which went out several years ago, but because it is halogen it is IMPOSSIBLE to extract and I have been unable to over come the frustration that comes with trying to replace it. I have commented on halogen light bulbs in the past. My friend did it.
And the big surprise was the new coffee, espresso, cappuccino, and latte machine [1, 2, 3]. It’s a long story, that starts off with the children buying us a machine, co-incident with Linda buying one too. I’ll leave that path of discussion for another time, but explore the one where basically Linda bought herself a Christmas present. Well, Linda isn’t that inconsiderate and really the gift is for all of us. Over the last few years she has become more of a coffee drinker, so while a selfless act, I think too she figured she would really enjoy it. But enjoyment of a gift is only part of her evaluation. Linda, being very practical, thinks gifts must be useful as well. This one met all the criteria.

Having said all that, I’m quite surprise at how positively I have reacted. A coffee, espresso, cappuccino, and latte machine was not on my radar screen as a gift; far from it. Yet, I really enjoy it. It makes me realize that buying gifts that you personally enjoy can really make the people around you happy as well. Now, let me see…I wonder how happy it would make Linda if I bought myself a new set of golf clubs?


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