A Day in the Life: Christmas Eve


Traditionally, we celebrate Christmas Eve. This year we had a relatively quiet one at home with family (last year we visited my brother in Georgia).

As is usually the case for Saturdays, the day started with a trip to the golf dome; just to limber up and hit a few balls (ahem). After that the tasks of the day started. I prepared the stuffing, and then the turkey. With stuffing, the bird takes over five hours to cook, so it was in by 1:30. There seems to be some debate on whether it is safe to stuff the bird. I stuff it. That is the way my parents made fowl, my grandparents and no doubt their parents before them. It’s just the way it has to be done. The fact that I am here suggests it can be done successfully. The key thing is to get the temperature up. While the turkey was cooking, I set up the Christmas tree, put on the lights, but saved the remainder until later.

The dinner menu included: a shrimp salad followed by the main course of Turkey with stuffing, yams, Brussels Sprouts, carrots, snap peas, gravy, cranberry sauce. For desert we had various cakes and pfeffernusse cookies [1, 2, 3]. Christmas cookies seem to be one of those things that have to be had to engender the spirit of the season(although Hertzen, Berliner Luft and many other cookies would do). The table was set with a centre piece of flowers.

Following dinner, we moved to the living room and finished setting up the tree.

We added some ornaments and then shared gifts. Over the years I’ve collected a wide set of ornaments: some old, some new.

Tonight, my son will make pork tenderloin, with a stuffing. I’m looking forward to it.


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