Month: April 2006

  • First Lesson

    First Lesson

    Today was our regular Sunday stroll in the woods, this week at Scarlett Woods Golf Course. The course is in good shape and seems to have survived the winter well. For the observer, everything looks…

  • 9,327/18,654 and SIX

    Numerologists pine to find a deeper meaning in numbers. In today’s more science-based culture, at least in the first world, numerology is considered parascience. While there are multiple representations, at a basic level numbers–and mathematics…

  • Vacation Plans

    Vacation Plans

    Most of the arrangements have been made. We will leave for Montreal May 14th and return the 25 or 26th, depending on whether we find something interesting along the route back home. One objective of…

  • Amazon 1-click Bankrupts Area Parkinson’s Suffer

    Amazon 1-click Bankrupts Area Parkinson’s Suffer

    My secrete source advised me that the Onion is reporting the above travesty [1]; it just goes to show the subtle devices used to wring the last cent out of the unsuspecting.

  • 5:09-5:12AM

    I downloaded 82.6meg. Under three minutes. The download speed bounced around 550KB/sec. There seems to be some improvement.