Year-end wrap-up: Photograph of the year


Lots of things to wrap up for the end of the year. Beyond the mundane is reviewing my photographs and picking the best of 2007. This is a bigger task than I thought it might be when I first considered coming to this choice.

My library has 10,504 photographs, 5,304 from 2007. Of those 5,304 I have flagged 123 as “favourites.” 123 0f 5,304 isn’t too bad, just about 2.3%. But it’s still a number larger than 1, and 1 seems a long way to go.

To get closer what I’ve chosen to do is look for the best of category. I categorize all of my pictures as part of my tagging process. As all my photographs are already categorized this should make the task a little easier. My current list includes nineteen subjects:

  • Art / artistic
  • Beach
  • Buildings
  • Car
  • Cityscape
  • Cottage
  • Family
  • Flowers
  • Food
  • Garden
  • Golf
  • Historic sites
  • House
  • Landscape
  • Portrait
  • Resort
  • Sunset
  • Winterscape
  • Terrior

For the most part a category is closely related to a physical subject, with the exception of Terrior which is more about feeling. Terrior:

is a group of vineyards (or even vines) from the same region, belonging to a specific appellation, and sharing the same type of soil, weather conditions, grapes and wine making savoir-faire, which contribute to give its specific personality to the wine [1].

But I use the term in its broader context “goût de terroir” which is the characteristic taste and flavor imparted to a wine by the environment in which it is produced. Translating this to a photograph, it means to me, a picture that in some way captures a representative sense or feeling of a place or moment. A taste.

Of the 123 photographs, 77 are from three categories: Landscape (35); Cityscape (24); and Family (18). Seven of the nineteen categories have no pictures this year. This is because none in that category were that great and didn’t make the initial cut or I just didn’t take any.


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