Month: May 2009
Eyes: Satisfaction
in: PhotographyThis is the third posting in a series on emotions expressed through the eyes of animals. These are shots from my recent trip to Florida. This shot of an Alligator taken in the Everglades on the Anhinga trail seems to express Satisfaction. That feeling one has laying in the sun after a fine meal or…
Eyes: Contempt
in: PhotographyThis is the second posting in a series on emotions expressed through the eyes of animals. These are shots from my recent trip to Florida. This shot of an Anhinga taken in the Everglades on the Anhinga trail seems to express contempt. It reminds me of the line from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar “Hence! wilt thou…
Eyes: Stern
in: PhotographyThis photograph begins a series on eyes. I was going through my collection from my recent trip to Florida and noticed various emotions expressed through the eyes of the animal shots I captured. This heron seemed to express a rather stern look, something that might be seen on a disapproving parent or teacher.
In an article the Global Downturn: In Graphics, BBC included the following comparison. It makes one wonder that if such a relatively small amount was used to “Rebuild Europe” for which constructive purpose could this bailout money have been used for?