
In the article Put Police in every school, NRA urges the Washington Post reports the  NRA position.  The rationale offered is we protect banks, airports, court houses, stadiums, the President, and congressmen with armed guards and so why not our children.  Citing an urgency to resolve this gap now, the NRA proposed protecting the children from insane killers; monsters and predators, with armed guards:

The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.  

Thinking this through, the first question that comes to mind is will this stop these insane murders from doing their insane acts?  Probably not.  If we arm the schools then these insane killers will find another place to shoot up.  Nursing Homes? Libraries? Churches? Restaurants? Hotel Lobbies? National Parks? Any place where people gather is exposed unless they are secured.  

The next point is to question the logic itself that assumes that these insane killers retain enough sanity to avoid armed schools. Probably not; they are predators.   The implication is shoot-outs in the hallways.



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