Year: 2015

  • The Time Has Come

    in: ,
    The Time Has Come

    The first tool I used to manage and process my photographs was Apple’s iPhoto program.  When Apple developed Aperture, I moved to that tool.  There was a migration program to move assets from iPhoto to Aperture which eased the pain.   Aperture is and was a fine program.  Nicely integrated with the Apple environment and…

  • Day 1

    Day 1

    Today does feel different.  The weight of projects, deliverables, decisions … is lifted or at least lifting.  We’ll see what replaces it.  I’m sure more could and may should be said to mark this occasion but I’m not ready for that right now. 

  • Off The List

    Off The List

    Several years I started to keep a record of those from our team who left the Bank.  As each one departed, I pulled out my pen and ruler and struck a line.    Today a line went through my name.  

  • Je Suis Charlie

    Je Suis Charlie

    My pen… …is out of ink.

  • Timing


    I recall someone saying few will be thinking about things they should have done at work while they drift away on their deathbed. Meaning there other things more important. But, the question is what is the right time to leave.  I touched on the logical thinking process in my post, 42 Days.  However there are…