The Great Blue Heron is a large bird, standing at between 70 – 180 cms tall. We were bicycling along one of the many bike paths on Jekyll Island, Georgia, when we came across this resting Heron. He was in this position for at least an hour; it could have been longer, but we left. I present two shots below, one with the Bird looking ahead; the second with his head stuck into his wing (I presume he is sleeping).
I took these shots with my Canon FD 400mm lens. I shot wide open to provide some separation from the background. I used a tripod. As the bird was not moving, I had plenty of time to set up. The resulting shots were quite typical and in my mind mundane. I decided to post process them, by first converting them to black and white and then dual toning them with blue and yellow. The choice of blue was in part driven by the natural colour of the heron. Yellow as the second colour works well with blue. I like the bokeh of the background and how it likes like a tapestry.
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