As noted in an earlier post, we visited the Okefenokee Swamp in south eastern Georgia. This swamp offered a little more diversity in trees and other plant life. The swamp suffered a major forest fire a number of years ago and the damage is still visible.
The shots below were taken in Stephen C. Foster State Park, which is on the west side of the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge (a State Park inside a National Park). This was our second visit to the Refuge, the first being on the north side where we visited Okefenokee Swamp Park, which is a privately-run enterprise. We spent the night in Waycross Georgia, a little town to the north of the Refuge. Fortunately the motel where we stayed was terrible, encouraging an early-morning departure. When we planned this night’s stay we thought we might stay longer at the Swamp Park and thus staying near that entrance made sense. As it turned out we could have driven further to be closer to the west entrance. However, there were not many hotel / motels in that area either so it’s not certain we would have found anything better.
Regardless, we arrive early at the State Park and were out on the boardwalk before 9:00AM. It was quiet and still. There were many birds but no other park guests. We enjoyed the serenity. In some respects the picture capture that feeling; no motion, no sound, no wind. Even the Suwannee moved gently without sound or dramatic motion.
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