Month: August 2020

  • Theoretical Frameworks

    Theoretical Frameworks

    For the past few months, like so many others, I have been reflecting on this whole COVID experience and trying to make sense of it, more specifically, what is the point of it all? When…

  • Human Kindness

    Human Kindness

    Is Human kindness a weapon in electoral conflict? I used to scoff at American’s focus on the character of the individual politician in preference to their policy. Since Trump, my views have changed. It appears,…

  • Monumental Tensions

    Monumental Tensions

    “Adolphus Egerton Ryerson (1803–1882) was a Canadian Methodist minister, educator, politician, and public education advocate in early Ontario.” (Wiki,ER)  Ryerson helped found several institutions, which later evolved into ones known today:  the Royal Ontario Museum; Victoria College…

  • What’s in a statue?

    What’s in a statue?

    “We may recognize in the legendary Alfred the product of many hundreds of years of English history, and indeed it is this that gives the legend its particular and abiding interest [4,356].” The statue of…

  • American Exceptionalism

    American Exceptionalism

    Exceptionalism is the perception or belief that a species, country, society, institution, movement, individual, or time period is “exceptional” (i.e., unusual or extraordinary). The term carries the implication, whether or not specified, that the referent…