Shelter in Place


Our outings these days are purposeful and limited to just a few things: picking up the mail from our community mail box, conveniently located next door to our house, taking out the garbage once a week and grocery shopping every other week. Depending on the weather, we might take the dog for a walk and I might take a bicycle ride around the neighbourhood. Recent polls I have seen suggest there is a lot of support for the lock down, although the news leaves me with a mixed message as to how many people are complying with the stay at home guidelines.

Walking the dog we see quite a few people walking around our neighbourhood. Everyone keeps their distance; often a smile is traded to acknowledge the situation. My bicycle rides take me further a field so I can see the major streets. There certainly are fewer cars on the roads. During the week the parking lots at the commuter stations are empty. On April 12th, Easter Sunday, the church parking lot was empty as there was no service. However, home driveways were full.


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