Ties to Reality

Knowing which way is up is important to me. I have heard that this is particularly important for deep-sea divers.

1-2196483021 VAu001203950, 2015-01 South East US, @VAu 1-203-950, Compositional Features, Content, Event, Event - Travel, Locale, Nature, Other, Photography, Plant, Reflections, Techniques, Thing, Travel, Tree, Unsaturated, Water, Wood, swamp



There are many touchstones: friends, culture, routine, train schedules, …

A lack of touchstones leaves us with ambiguity

ambiguity makes us uncertain, unable or unwilling to act

a clear set of laws — clear definition of a violation; clear definition of who it applies to; clear definition of punishment — provides a foundation for order; clear boundaries. The rule of law. Ambiguity in any or all these dimension, leaves us with uncertainty as it gives the enforcer — the state — the right to apply the law for any reason, to any one, and with any consequence. People are left to speculate on all these and in doing so, out of caution, they take a minimal position. They self-censor.

truth in another

without it how do we know what to believe in?

without having a source of truth how does society, culture, survive

does it matter if something is true or just that we believe it to be



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