Year: 2023

  • Lights

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    In a New York Times article, “Turning Off the Lights Does Save Electricity”, published February 3, 1974, the advice was to turn off your lights when not in use. Turn off lights when not needed. If all three million customers in New York City and Westchester County cut off a single 100‐watt bulb that might…

  • Imagination

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    A big thing in photography is the notion of pre-visualization. That is, you see a scene or something in front of you and you imagine what that might look like as a photograph. One could imagine all sorts of transformations, even as simple as what it might look like in black and white. Having said…

  • Continual Refinement or the Art of Fiddling

    Continual Refinement or the Art of Fiddling

    Fiddling:Adjective: fiddling little details: trivial, petty, trifling, insignificant, unimportant, inconsequential, inconsiderable, negligible, paltry, footling, minor, small, slight, incidental, of little/no account; informal piddling, piffling, penny-ante; British informal twopenny-halfpenny; North American informal nickel-and-dime, picayune; North American vulgar slang chickenshit. ANTONYMS important; large Oxford Thesaurus of English There is something engaging about fiddling; not with a violin…

  • Benchmarks of Progress?

    Benchmarks of Progress?

    Both George Washington, first President of the United States, and Thomas Jefferson, author of the US Constitution and third President of the United States, recognised the dilemma of slavery. “Washington conceded the system of human bondage that underpinned the economy of 18th Century Virginia was a ‘wicked, cruel and unnatural trade’.”[1] And Jefferson “A bon…

  • Signs of Spring

    Signs of Spring

    These things, the signs that Spring is actually here, should really be self evident. What I’m talking about really are the leading indicators, that when witnessed in the depths of a prolonged and seemingly never-ending winter, offer hope. For many years, one of these signs was seeing the first cardinal of the year. However, through…