Deera Square “is a public space in the ad-Dirah neighborhood [SIC] of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, located adjacent to the al-Hukm Palace compound and Imam Turki bin Abdullah Grand Mosque in the Qasr al-Hukm District.” 1
The square goes by various names, including as Justice Square (Arabic: ميدان العدل) or Safa Square (Arabic: ساحة الصفاة)1. In the west, it is sometimes referred to as Chop-Chop Square1, as this is the location of public beheadings. On the right side of the square are a restaurant and coffee shop, where we stopped to sit and rest.
I’m not quite sure why this was the first place our hosts brought us to.
- Wikipedia Contributors. 2024. “Deera Square.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. January 8, 2024.
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