Deera Square

Deera Square “is a public space in the ad-Dirah neighborhood [SIC] of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, located adjacent to the al-Hukm Palace compound and Imam Turki bin Abdullah Grand Mosque in the Qasr al-Hukm District.” 1

2024-02 Saudi Arabia, Complementary Colors, Desert, Nature, Projects, Sand
Entrance into Deera Square

The square goes by various names, including as Justice Square (Arabic: ميدان العدل) or Safa Square (Arabic: ساحة الصفاة)1. In the west, it is sometimes referred to as Chop-Chop Square1, as this is the location of public beheadings. On the right side of the square are a restaurant and coffee shop, where we stopped to sit and rest.

2024-02 Saudi Arabia, Nature, Palm Tree, Plant, Projects, Wood
Deera Square

I’m not quite sure why this was the first place our hosts brought us to.

  1. Wikipedia Contributors. 2024. “Deera Square.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. January 8, 2024.


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