Category: eBook

This is content delivered in an electronic book (usually a PDF) format.

  • Spain with France & Andorra

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    Spain with France & Andorra

    Provides a sample tour through Spain that may be adopted as it or tailored to personal preference.  The tour includes stop overs in France and Andorra.  It summarizes the itinerary, including hotels, sites, and restaurants that we enjoyed.  The book includes general planning and travel tips and those specific to travel in Spain. Published: February…

  • Ice Storm

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    Ice Storm

    On December 22nd 2013 we awoke to the sound of crackling wood. It was from the trees in front of our house breaking under the weight of the ice that had accumulated over the night.  Published: December 28, 2014 Number of Pages: 11 Cost: Free

  • Toronto

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    A photographic essay portraying the different aspects of the city, including it architecture, historic buildings, landscapes and the Lake. Published: March 24, 2015 Number of Pages: 56 Cost: Free