Category: Review
The Case For Trump
The human body is an incredible machine, in its function, integration, adaptability, and resilience. Yet for all the good it is and it can do, they all produce shit. Shit can be the conveyer of…
First Impressions: The Rangefinder Character
It’s been a long time since I’ve used a rangefinder. My first camera was one, a little Minolta. It was a 35mm camera. I remember when I got it I wanted an SLR. I thought…
First Impressions: Lens Size Leica M9
My reference point for this comparison is a Micro Four-thirds (M 4/3) standard camera, specifically the Panasonic DMC-G1. Cameras in this class compare favourably against the larger cropped and full-framed Canons and Nikons. Favourable in…
The Rand Corporation recently published a monograph on cyberwarfare Cyberdeterrence and Cyberwar (240 pages). Cyberspace is its own medium with its own rules. Cyberattacks, for instance, are enabled not through the generation of force but…
Sorry, No Orphans or Beggars
Apparently, Mac owners are liberal snobs. Who would have known? (click on image to view video)