Category: Social Networking
Bill Gates: How I’m trying to change the world now
Bill Gates recently spoke of his philanthropic work at TED. The video below includes the widely-covered release of mosquitoes into the conference room. In his comments, Gates points out that market forces are not naturally…
Globalization 3.0
Thomas Friedman presents a lecture at MIT on The World is Flat 3.0: .His thesis is that the world economy has progressed through three stages of globalization. The first was marked by integration at a…
For those that read a lot on the web and want to keep track of what they uncover, Diigo just delivered release 3.0. The tool offers a number of social booking marking features, but its…
Readings on Social Networks, Media
Technology Review: Mapping Professional Networks Now IBM is exploring how different visualizations of the social graph could be useful within businesses, as a way of helping people work more efficiently and make better connections. Aimed…