Category: Photography
This subject is related or theory of photography, such as an analysis of a specific photograph or a technique or more broadly the philosophy, ethics, concepts, etc.
Photography: Workflow #2
in: PhotographyI have updated my workflow previously documented. The updates better distinguish the different processes. As well, I’ve been a little more specific in the process objectives. The key issue is to express the objectives in a form that is measurable and then comparable across different solution alternatives. I’ll have to think about how to prioritize…
Photography: Workflow
in: PhotographyWorkflow is a topic that professional photographers are well acquainted with. People like me discover the need after a while. Three things have prompted me to look at how I deal with my photographs (and movies): So, as an architect, I recognize the above as “business drivers.” Hence there is motivation to do something and…
Guitar Close-Up
There are some that combine, in their personal lives, a multitude of diverse interests, such as music and photography. For them I post this and a link to the source.
Earth at Night
in: PhotographyThe Optical Spectroscopic and Infrared Remote Imaging System (OSIRIS) camera on board the Rosetta spacecraft observed Earth during its swing-by in November 2007. A sun-illuminated crescent can be seen around Antarctica in this image that is a color composite combining images obtained at various wavelengths. This image was taken with Rosetta’s Wide Angle Camera, about…
Best in Category: Landscape
in: PhotographyThere were 35 shots that made the cut; arguably I could have been a little more restrictive but in the end it’s one shot that comes out in front. This shot is of Alba, Linda and Eric overlooking the Rhine at Lorelei Rock at St. Goarhausen, the narrowest part of that river. What strikes me…