Category: Hertha

This subject relates to topics related to the Hertha family, or other things linked with Hertha, including this website.

  • It’s in My DNA, Part 2

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    It’s in My DNA, Part 2

    I posted earlier about the DNA results I received from Ancestry. They recently sent an update that reports a reduction in the Scottish component of my DNA from 3% to 2%, but increases my Welch component from 0% to 2%. While I am deeply saddened by being 50% less Scottish, I will quickly remind everyone…

  • It’s in My DNA

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    It’s in My DNA

    I recently completed a DNA test and one surprise was that some 3% of my strands are of Scottish origin. This is slightly more than the average 2% Neanderthal genes present in modern populations (1). I mention this 3% simply to justify, or at least explain, my natural frugal nature. This nature was tested in…

  • Family Monuments

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    Family Monuments

    My uncle was born in Detroit on April 29th, 1923.  In October of the same year, he moved with his parents to their home town, Sonneberg Germany.  On September 29, 1929 they landed in Toronto, along with my father who was born in Sonneberg.  Bill boarded a train in Toronto on its way to California…

  • solar project

    solar project

    This page provides a record of our Solar Project from start to on-going operations. The record covers the: This was a  project to install a solar-based electrical-power generation system on the roof of our home, under the Ontario Government’s MicroFIT program.  The power generated is fed back into the grid through a separate outbound line (from…

  • Letters From Uncle Bill

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    Letters From Uncle Bill

    I have unfolded all the letters, put them into folders and they are being gently pressed.  As I went through them it was hard not to take a peek at a few