Category: Hertha
This subject relates to topics related to the Hertha family, or other things linked with Hertha, including this website.
On this day, Bill writes 3 letters, as the V-Mail form is limited to 1 page. Bill begins by describing the town they are in, which has two churches, a high school, hospital and public buildings. However, the water and electrical plants are not in service. He says they have moved into the hospital and…
Bill opens his letter with “Komosta Ka!” meaning “How are you?” He then goes on to describe the Filipinos for his parents and brother, and their allegiance to the United States. Bill changes subject to mention letters from his Uncle Rudi (his mother’s brother, who lived in the United States at the time). He notes…
Here Bill talks about eating shrimp, which are less expensive than bananas, at one centavos each (which I assume he means one shrimp). He also suggests binding his letters into a book.
In this letter, Bill describes their accommodations, a Squad Tent. In this letter he asks for a small camera. I don’t know if he ever received it and if he did, I have not seen any of the pictures.
Christmas 1944
This is a short 16mm film clip of my grandparent’s 1944 Christmas celebration. At the time they lived in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I made a digital copy of the original 16mm film, which is presented as is, without modification or editing. I did, however, add the sound effects. The background “clanking” is the sound made…