Category: Gadget
This subject covers reviews of or a comment on a gadget or some technology
in: GadgetWe want to get a TV for the bedroom. The requirements: wall mountable, minimum 32 inches. Selection, however, seems to be more complicated than it need be. Not only are there different vendors, each with multiple lines, there is a legacy to contend with: models from previous years that remain on the shelf just adding…
Bate and Switch
The Milgram experiments into the study of obedience to authority published in the Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology in 1963 describe the results of an experiment to discover the extent to which people obey authority. The results are interesting and Wikipedia provides a good summary. But the bottom line is that people will and…
Linda’s New Car
We have been happy with the Passat. As Linda’s car passes through its 10th year we felt it was time to replace it. We have gone with a Rabbit. Surprisingly, it has many of the same features as the Passat, including the Electronic Stabilization Program and Electro-mechanical steering; two very appealing features. They are what…
The Future PC?
in: GadgetI received these photographs in my e-mail. I don’t know if they are real of fake, but they are impressive. Below are: (1) the components of the PC (2) the components configured (3) a shot of the keyboard
Dead after 680 Pictures
On the 680th picture, after forty-three days of service, my digital camera ceased to function.