Category: Gadget

This subject covers reviews of or a comment on a gadget or some technology

  • New Lens

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    New Lens

    My new lens arrived today:

  • 1,035

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    This morning I took my one thousandth shot with my new camera (a Panasonic Lumix DMC G1) since I bought it November 11th. I’m not going to offer a full review but overall I’m very happy with it. My initial concerns were with the lens: it’s a little slower than I’d like (f/3.5) but I’ve…

  • The Disk Storage Robot


    There’s been a disruption in the force. I had been expecting it, but last week came the final straw. Another brown-out. That transient state of hysteresis of neither electrical failure nor electrical service. It blew out one of my backup drives. Given the increased frequency of these events, I purchased a UPS system. This protects…

  • 6 weeks with my iPhone

    6 weeks with my iPhone

    I bought my iPhone 3G on July 11. Since then this has been my experience: I’ll be travelling to Europe in a couple of weeks so we’ll see how widely I am able to use it there (mental note: use wireless access; turn off roaming)

  • Will it Blend

    in: , coveres the iPhone: