Category: Travel

This subject covers items related to travel.

  • Travel: Art


    Throughout our travels we have witnesses many magnificent works of art. I can’t argue what is the best, but I can say both Linda and I were greatly impressed by the ceiling relief in the Cathedral of Trier.

  • Travel: The Golf Game

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    We were able to get in one game of golf during our vacation, at the Berchtesgaden Golf Club. We played with my father’s cousin who is a member of the club. It is a beautiful 9-hole course situated half way up the Obersalzberg just outside Berchtesgaden. The course is made difficult by slopped fairways, resulting…

  • Travel: The Bike Ride


    While in Brugge we decided to take a bike ride into the surrounding country side. A popular trek is to follow the canal from Brugge to Damme, a distance of about 6 km. At Damme the canal splits, one section going north into the Netherlands, the other going west towards the coast to a town…

  • Travel: Food


    One of the propositions of travel is enjoying the local foods and drinks. In Thüringen (Germany) the objective was to savour the Kartoffelkloesse (potato dumplings) unique to that area. While the recipe is deceptively simple, they are a most complex item to make, and the results we experienced proved that. None were as good as…

  • Travel: Vimy


    It’s hard to say too much about the Canadian War Monument at Vimy France. It is impressive. “It was like no other war memorial that had gone before” because Vimy was not a war memorial which was devoted to triumph or the glory of a great military leader, but rather to a profound sense of…