Category: Observation
My observations (or point of view) on some event or situation. This is different from “Documentary” as it expresses an opinion or it intends to be more subjective.
Perceived vs Actual Age
An article in the Wall Street Journal noted: “As American 30-somethings increasingly bypass the traditional milestones of adulthood, economists are warning that what seemed like a lag may in fact be a permanent state of arrested development.” I noted earlier that I have been going through old photo albums. It struck me how the people…
New Year’s Resolutions
We often use this time at the beginning of each year for reflection and prediction (or pontification). The punditocracy relishes packaging these into “top 10” lists. There seems to be one for almost everything, which leads me to think there might be some cognitive quirk in our human nature that urges us to categorize and order…
The Wind and the Lion
To characterize some of Trump’s recent appointments as bizarre might be an understatement; others have stated the case more strongly and called them reckless. Matt Gaetz, accused of dalliances with under-aged women and drug abuse, for Attorney General. Tulsi Gabbard, Fox News and RT (Russia Today) contributor and Putin apologist, for Director of National Intelligence.…
I was reading a research article prepared by the Commonwealth Fund, Comparing deaths from gun violence in the U.S. with other countries, and I think it will surprise few how poorly ranked is the United States. Some points reported that I thought were notable include: But it was the comparative rates of death due to…
Argumentum ad populum
The September update of the OED includes more than 600 new entries, among them is “Argumentum ad populum.” Argumentum ad populum, also known as an appeal to popularity, is a logical fallacy where one asserts that a proposition must be true or valid simply because many or most people believe it to be so. The…