Category: Humour

Something funny or a humorous perspective on some topic or thing.

  • The making of an acronym


    Gartner calls the path of maturing that a technology usually follows “the hype cycle.” It describes a path often initiated by enthusiasm and high expectations, through a period disillusionment and eventually on to normal and productive use. If the technology makes it that far. Enterprise Service Bus, is a newish technology that enters the stage…

  • God uses a Mac

    God uses a Mac

    As reported by the influential and unassailable Time Magazine in their recent Web Posting (click here for the PDF): TUAW reports: God uses, obviously, to stay in touch. He listens to iTunes for inspiration, and keeps Google Earth open to keep an eye on his Creation. Safari is God’s browser of choice and he’s…

  • Christmas is a-coming


    I’m starting to get Christmas-related items in my in-basket. This is what I have received so far: I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas (flash) Winter snow (YouTube) Romantic Sleigh Ride (YouTube)

  • How to make a presentation

    in: ,

    After attending two conferences in two weeks, each including a number of sessions, I have come to see some patterns in the conference presentation. This type of presentation is different than the normal business presentation. The latter is intended to convey information to get something. The former is intended to convey stuff to prove the…

  • Culina Americana

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    Travelling to Orlando is a different experience from other business trips. You notice the difference when you reach the departure gate in Toronto. There are little people. Lots of them. More than the tolerable threshold: 0. I don’t mean dwarves, midgets or elves. I mean children. This can be very disruptive to the normal routine…