Category: Humour

Something funny or a humorous perspective on some topic or thing.

  • Election Aftermath


    For those who have an opinion on the matter…

  • Cuban Vacation: Kitschbühel

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    Cuban Vacation: Kitschbühel

    Christopher Alexander is famous, at least in the Systems Architecture world, for his concepts around design patterns. For those unfamiliar with the concept, a design pattern can be thought of as a “mini architecture” and it is by combining these patterns that you come up with a complete architecture. Alexander’s purpose was to identify reusable…

  • The source of what ails you


    And for those of you who watch what you eat, here’s the final word on nutrition and health. It’s a relief to know the truth after all the conflicting medical studies: CONCLUSION Eat and drink what you like. Speaking English is apparently what kills you.

  • 1979

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    In 1979 I graduated and started my first “real” job. Among other things that came with the job was an identification card. I found it the other day.

  • I’m not a Philosopher


    I took a sojourn through my edition of Critique of Pure Reason [Immanuel Kant] and landed on the chapter on Transcendental Dialectic where Kant discussed pure reason as the seat of transcendental illusion: All our knowledge starts with the senses, proceeds from thence to understanding, and ends with reason, beyond which there is no higher…