Category: Tutorial

A study on a particular topic with an explanation or evaluation on how it works or what it does. Tutorials are intended to convey learnings, which it is hoped, are correct.

  • Family Photo Albums

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    Family Photo Albums

    In this tutorial I cover two topics on dealing with traditional (paper-based) family photo albums: I have a collection of family photo albums from both sets of grandparents, my parents and then for my wife and I. We are now collecting photographs of our grandchildren. To this point I have scanned some 1628 photographs dating…

  • Ethical Representation in Photography

    Ethical Representation in Photography

    A photograph can be a powerful communications vehicle. It can communicate across languages, cultures and time. The message communicated can be tuned by the choices a photographer makes; how they choose to represent the subject at hand. The question then becomes how true is that message being conveyed? Does it accurately and fully represent the…

  • How I Made Starry Night

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    How I Made Starry Night

    The steps I went through to create the image I posted Wednesday were: See my experience report to read the details.

  • How I Made Starry Night

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    How I Made Starry Night

    This is an experience report–not a final tutorial–on how I made the image Starry Night, posted earlier this week. The step that remains to be completed is to finalize the tools to process the night-sky images. For this image I used one photograph, which was sufficient for this purpose, but for something more professional, more…

  • Combining Images

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    Combining Images

    This tutorial describes how I took 3 flawed photographs and combined them using Photoshop into one portrait of my grandchildren. Anyone who has tried to take a picture of young children understands how difficult it is to get them to settle down. So, my approach was to take lots of shots, with the expectation of…