in Event
A Day in the Life: It was twenty years ago today …
Well, it may not be about sergeant Pepper but November 20th marks the twentith anniversary of Windows: November 20, 2005, marks the twentieth anniversary of Microsoft’s release of Windows 1.0, one of the most important events…
in Humour
Humour: Got that Christmas feeling
Christmas is here! The first signs started to appear a couple of weeks ago, with the emergence of wreaths of simulated pine, sparkling with traditional blue miniature Christmas lights. Last weekend I heard my first Christmas…
A Day in the Life: Pushing the Boundaries of Trust #2
As noted earlier, Sony engaged in some questionable practices in using Rootkits to implement Digital Rights Management. Now, some thirteen days later I read: Sony made an unpopular product decision and got its reputation incinerated by…
A Day in the Life: The Magic Circle
Swindon calls it the ultimate traffic control system. It is five round-abouts within one: the first the conventional, clockwise variety and the second, which revolved inside the first, sending traffic anti-clockwise.