Tag: 2013-04 Expressions in the Pause

  • Expressions in the Pause

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    Expressions in the Pause

    This project started with a picture taken April 4, 2013 and continued for over 10 years. It started by accident. Like so many other things, serendipity stepped in, and shone light on a course otherwise hidden in the shadows. The background and theoretical context for this video is covered in Expressions in the Pause.

  • Expressions in the Pause

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    Expressions in the Pause

    see the video. This project started with a picture taken April 4, 2013 and continued for over 10 years. It started by accident. Like so many other things, serendipity stepped in, and shone light on a course otherwise hidden in the shadows. What attracted my attention was a still image of a frozen instant randomly…

  • In the Pause #5

    In the Pause #5

    As the leadership team of the Trump administration beings to disintegrate, amid alleged and charged criminal activities, a lone protester stands with a sign pleading “Make America Normal Again!” Or as General Flynn is lead into the Washington Federal Court Building for his sentencing hearing, one protester asks whether he is “Putin’s Puppet?” Another man…

  • In the Pause #4

    In the Pause #4

    Having exhausted expressions, I turned to another path and explored the messages pushed through the stream. Ted Cruz, junior senator for Texas and protagonist in the mini-flick Machine-gun Bacon, stumping in front of a banner saying Rusted. Was that co-incident related to him personally or the Republican platform. The caption “Polls favour Trump to win…

  • In the Pause #3

    In the Pause #3

    I explored the expressions juxtaposed against the against the captions or other elements of the photographs and in doing so I perceived that the image became endowed with other, may be deeper meanings. What was the Queen thinking? July 2018 January 2018 February 2014 May 2014