Tag: 2016 Newfoundland

  • Rocks in Bay

    Rocks in Bay

    I took this shot because of the rocks in the quiet bay.  The sea was still; reflections where present. The shape of the rocks mimicked the hills in the background; their spacing lent a simplifying quality to the pjhotograph.  

  • Beacon


    Newfoundland comes by its nickname — the rock — honestly.  Another outpost of human endevour in a barren and rocky landscape.  Here it was the waves and sinews of colour in the rocks that attracted my attention.    

  • Lighthouse


    There are moments in the fog, when the softness of the air continues to blanket the scene but the sun cuts through to insert some interesting light.  The contrast of the light and fog signalled the timing was right. The hard rocks and barren landscape conveyed the difficulty of living in these areas.  The rocks…

  • Vikings


    This shot is a crop that attracted my attention during post-processing.  I liked the distortions introduced by the long lens and how it obscured the details and left the shapes of things; exposing more pattern and texture, especially the snow. A softer view.  

  • Farwell


    I was leafing through a photo-history book of the area and came across a photograph of this place taken many years ago.  John Farwell has since passed on and his house and business are now idle.  I was attracted by the colours, the Pepsi Logo, the weather-beaten facing and then the name of the proprietor…