Tag: 2024-06 Bill’s Letters

  • 1943-11-23

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    Bill is not at Camp Roberts, rather he is in the hospital with bronchitis, however he is enjoying his stay. He then describes the hospital and food. He then goes on to briefly describe the location and the camp. He then lists out the clothing (uniform) he received. He goes on to describe “KP”.

  • 1944-11-22

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    Bill says is he re-reading the last letter he received from them, dated September 21st. He then laments not being able to listen to music and commits to returning to play the piano when he gets home, recalling his parent’s baby grand, with a blue and gold vase sitting on its cover.

  • 1944-11-20

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    Bill talks about the rain, and the steps they take to deal with it. They moved their aid station to a better spot on top of a hill.

  • 1943-11-20

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    Bill is writing from the train, after about 4 days (Friday). He said they have just left Tucson Arizona. He expects to arrive in Los Angeles on Saturday.

  • 1943-11-20

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    Here Bill describes the train trip from Fort Sheridan to Los Angeles. He said three “Canadian” remain: Bus Favereau, George Heald and himself. He mentions stopping in Los Angeles and having a milkshake for 17 cents, suggesting that was expensive “but it was worth it.”