Tag: renovation

  • The Scope of Work

    The Scope of Work

    The floor plan below offers a sense of the scope of work being done.  Each room on the main floor as well as the upstairs hall is being painted: walls, ceiling, trim.  In addition the areas in green are to be re-floored.  The Powder Room will get new tiles and a new vanity as well.…

  • The Turmoil Above

    The Turmoil Above

    While I rest secluded in my temporary office location in the protective enclosure of the Herthabunker in the basement, upstairs is in transformation.  Transformations at work, in life and of ones home, can be traumatic. Only the kitchen remains habitable, albeit, filled with the refugees of things from those parts of the house under renewal. 

  • New Office Location

    New Office Location

    Deep below grade, now rests my temporary subterranean office location; the Hertha Bunker.  I have occupied the table in my darkroom I use for matting and framing. Under the open beamed ceiling, amid the darkroom chemicals, my scanner and printer, I have moved my desktop console, 20 TB storage farm and network hub. Unlike my regular…

  • It Won’t Happen Here

    It Won’t Happen Here

    I had thought, quite logically I’m sure, that retirement day would be the last time I would pack up things and move to a new — now home — office.  It turns out that’s not the case.   As noted earlier, we’re packing up the main floor. That includes my office, well actually a cubical.…

  • Packing


    We’re getting some work done on the house. The currently estimated start date is April 25th.  It is suppose to take 3 weeks. My level of anticipation is growing. The work includes painting the main floor, replacing flooring in the main hall, our office, kitchen and laundry room, updating the powder room and a few other…