Tag: TUP 2012 Workshop
Toronto Urban Photography Workshop: Osgoode Hall #4
in: PhotographyA shot of the exterior of Osgoode Hall.
Toronto Urban Photography Workshop: Osgoode Hall #3
in: PhotographyThe library is an antique two-story strucutre. While ths shot may look as if it has been processed with HDR it is a single image. Through post-processing I extracted further detail, balanced the lighting and softened some of the reds.
Toronto Urban Photography Workshop: Osgoode Hall #2
in: PhotographyDeeper inside the Hall is the library. One would expect to see one in these premises. Old and crusty, it holds the leather-bound volumes dating back to the 1830’s.
Toronto Urban Photography Workshop: Osgoode Hall #1
in: PhotographyWe had the opportunity to go into Osgoode Hall, the Divisional Court of the Superior Court of Justice, and the Law Society of Upper Canada. Here I captured the skylight of the centre hall.
toronto Urban Photography Workshop: City Hall #2
in: PhotographyAnother shot of City Hall. Here I tried to include more people and activity.