Tag: Wedding

  • Wedding Shots – Preparation

    Wedding Shots – Preparation

    The wedding day started early.  For me, I was in the gym by 4:30 AM; working off those last few grams to more easily fit into my tuxedo. Things started happening around 9:00 AM.  The hair stylist arrived, followed by the makeup person. Then there was a flower delivery, a food delivery, the bride’s maids…

  • The Day after


    It was quite an event.  Nearly 300 people attended.  The ceremony lasted just about 40 minutes, the first 10 being consumed simply by walking in and up the aisle: the bride’s maids, groom’s men, the flower girls, the ring bearers, and trailing the procession, the bride and Linda and I.   Following the ceremony was a…

  • The Wedding

    The Wedding

    Today is the big day.  Over a year in planning comes down to the next few hours: wedding at 2, reception at 5.