This trip was between Wednesday April 2 and Tuesday April 8, 2014. We arrived in Vancouver, picked up a car and drove out to Harrison Hot Springs where we stayed a couple of days. We returned to Vancouver Friday. Sunday we drove north to Squamish where we spent Sunday and Monday night.
At each location we took short trips to local attractions.
Blog Entries:
We recently visited the Vancouver area, a place where I lived until 1967. The impetus to visit and at this time was to attend the 2014 Annual Georgians Dinner hosted by St. George’s School, which I had attended. To make this a little more interesting for my wife, we added a few days on…
In Vancouver we visited Granville Island. We visited the island on our first day, for lunch. We returned the next day to buy food. The market is surprisingly similar to St. Lawrence Market in Toronto. What is different are the satellite stores around the main market which usually focus on a narrow product range, such…
On the south side of Richmond is the Frazer River. Along the River are several parks, including the Great West Cannery Park.
Walking further along the trails adjacent to the Frazer River.
More in the dry dock
Squamish is just north of Vancouver. We stayed there two nights. As it is only a little more than an hour from Vancouver we were able to arrive fairly early (around 10:00 AM) at our first objective, Stawamus Chief Provincial Park. Reviews of the hike stated “difficult but worth it.” The reported time to reach…
Stawamus Chief, which we climbed on our first day, is a granite dome, located adjacent to Squamish.
We climbed to the top of the first peak of Stawamus Chief
A view to the west, of mountains in the coastal range
A view facing east
The impetus to go to Vancouver in the first place was to attend the Annual Georgian Dinner. I have attended school events held locally. But this year, as one classmate put it, was different; we would all be 60. While I’m considered part of the class of ’72, I moved to Montreal in 1967.…