Ice Storm

On December 22nd 2013 we awoke to the sound of crackling wood.  It was from the trees in front of our house breaking under the weight of the ice that had accumulated over the night.

Although we thought we would be trapped for some time, the city arrived late in the day to remove the debris and carve a passage to the main road.  But to what end?

Blog Entries

  • Ice Storm

    Ice Storm

    We woke up to the sounds of cracking wood.  Actually, it was tree.  Below is the first branch to fall.   //

  • Ice Storm

    Ice Storm

    Late yesterday afternoon a yellow tractor drove up the street and cleared the way. It did so by moving all the debris to the side onto the boulevard and sidewalk.   I had expected to be trapped for a day or so; waiting until a crew arrived with chainsaws, wood shredders, and large dump trucks.…

  • Japanese Maple

    Japanese Maple

    An ice encrusted maple leaf.