Performance Maintenance Drugs

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The question of testing for Performance Enhancing Drugs has come up in many sports and it has recently come up again in the world of golf. The usual response of the professional seems to be “bring it on.”

But for the aging amateur the real issue is being able to continue at the same level of performance.

In my case the two major challenges are cramps and muscle pain. I’ve found that vitamin pills help with the cramps, specifically a “Senior’s Multivitamin” and an extra dose of calcium + magnesium. I also have upped my consumption of bananas. I saw Vijay Singh eating one on the 10th tee once.

There are other issues to worry about, highest among them being back pain. Back pain not only keeps one off the course, it can be so debilitating as to prevent even the most limited activity. If I were younger, say 50, and had chronic back pain that kept me off the course, I think I’d get a gun and just shoot myself.


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