Web 2.0, Conspiracy Theories, iPod Touch and Belching Cows


The Toronto Star demonstrates mash-ups combining mapping and statistics. Conspiracy theories live on, suggesting that governments are hording superior alternative energy technologies got from aliens. iPod touch as a WiFi mobile platform; that’s why I got it. If it’s not there, it’s getting pretty close and certainly provides a glimpse. And lastly, the environmental impact of belching cows (it could be worse).

Toronto Star Google Maps

Map superimposed with murders in Toronto area in 2007

UFOs in Texas: The environmental implications of extraterrestrials – Green Daily

I know, it seems like I’m talking crazy, but some people really believe that extraterrestrials not only a) exist, b) visit Earth, and c) have superior alternative energy technology, but that the government is using that technology in ultra-top-secret military projects. Conspiracy!

Mac Rumors: iPod Touch: ‘Mainstream Wi-Fi Mobile Platform’

During Apple’s conference call today, Apple executives described the iPod touch as a potentially the “first mainstream Wi-Fi mobile platform, running all kinds of mobile applications”

Relieve belching cows and save the planet – Environment – smh.com.au

TOKYO: Japanese researchers have stumbled on a way to stop cows from emitting methane – a potent greenhouse gas – when they belch, a finding that could help the fight against global warming.[belching] is said to account for about 5 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions.

The researchers stumbled on the relationship between nitrate and the generation of methane when they studied a mass poisoning outbreak among a herd of cows.

The team found that feeding the animals cysteine in addition to nitrate not only significantly cut the methane they generate, but also helped prevent them from being poisoned.


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