Perceived vs Actual Age

An article in the Wall Street Journal noted: “As American 30-somethings increasingly bypass the traditional milestones of adulthood, economists are warning that what seemed like a lag may in fact be a permanent state of arrested development.”

I noted earlier that I have been going through old photo albums. It struck me how the people looked older than they really were. Put another way, people in the past seemed to mature / grow up earlier.

1950s, Adult, Baby, Child, Eyes Open, Female, Frontal Face, Group, Hertha Gertrude (Gruenwald), Hertha William II, Hertha-Mother-Dad Photo Album, Male, People, Person, Photo Albums-Collections, Smile, Time, Years
Bill, Eric, Mother, 1956

A case in point, my mother was 26 when the above photograph was taken. This applies equally to my grandparents and great grandparents, who in their fifties looked older than people today at the same age. In my mother’s case, I think dress might be one element. For my grandparents, I think fitness played a role.


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