Genealogy: Some Finds


During my search, I have found a number of things. I’m getting ready to figure out how to organize all this stuff and then assess what is missing so I can undertake a more structured approach and possibly lay the ground work for our trip to Germany next May. I did come across a couple of interesting finds.

my grandfather’s draft registration card, dated June 5, 1917

Next was the passenger list of the SS Pennland that sailed from South Hampton on the 23rd of April, 1939. Included on the list are my mother and grandmother (lines 4&5: Gruenwald).

My mother and her parents were living in London. They moved there in about 1934. While I don’t have records of that exchange (I have not looked for them), I did fine London Directories for 1935 and 1938. The entry for 1938 is:

Last, at least for this post, I was looking through the Deutsche Kriegsgräberstätten web site (German War Graves) as when we last visited Sonneberg I noted that a Max Hertha was recorded on a First World War Memorial. I was able to find references to 15 Herthas, but none was a Max and none of them from Sonneberg (although many of the records did not include a birth place).

More questions to answer.


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