One bird leaves


Last night was Will’s farewell party with his friends. Today he leaves for Yangzhou China [see earlier post].

There are number of emotions: excitement for him in the new adventure he’s on in his move to China; excitement for him in the transition from our care to independence. There are many reasons to be comfortable with the move: he has a legitimate job with a legitimate organization that provides a support infrastructure, including housing, and medical care. Yangzhou, by all accounts, is a nice city in a beautiful area of China.

We’ve set him up with a new laptop, and loaded up Skype, so we can stay in touch. We’ve got him a digital camera so he can take lots of pictures and load them up on his blog.

But in the end, the most comforting thing for me is that Will established an objective (to learn Mandarin), conceived a plan and executed all on his own. The decision to execute in this specific manner, reflects a level of confidence that should bode well for future endeavours and for me that’s the most positive part of this episode. He’s ready.


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