Another Ontario election come and gone. The poll broke out as follows [1]:
- Liberals: 71 seats (42% of the popular vote)
- Conservatives: 26 (31)
- New Democrats: 10 (17)
- Green Party: 0 (8)
There was about 52% voter turn out [2].
Mustering 42% of the popular vote the Liberals were able to realize a whopping majority (66%) of the seats. A democratically elected dictatorship. A government able to do what ever it wants for the next four years. Subject only to their principles, willingness to listen to polls; their main opposition to be only the press. God forbid.
The re-elected leader took the high road when he said he will represent all Ontarians. Crap: it’s only 42% of voters, and at 50% turn out the reality is 21%. The representation of the vast majority of Ontarians is spread across the remaining 1/3 of the members.
Government by the people for the politicians.
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